Teaching and Teachers


Teaching is facilitating, a process of introducing ideas and concept, and let the students give meaning on these ideas and concept not only on its technical term but also on its relevance in their everyday lives. It is also an active process in which person shares information with others that results to behavioral changes and directed opportunities which facilitated for the students to learn and experience that could result in life long change. Teaching as a process requires the desire to focus on the needs, potentials and capabilities of the learner; teachers are like gate keepers guided by different theories and strategies, they are the ones who do design instruction involving preparation, presentation, application, review and evaluation.

As a teacher, we should ensure that the learning is properly monitored. This involves preparation, presentation, application, review and evaluation of lesson being presented and learning as a whole. She/he should serve as an encourager for the learners to keep track of their progress and reinforce the learning process by providing continuing opportunities.

As facilitator of learning, teachers should use different teaching approaches that can best help their student to learn and at the same time to be motivated. We, (I’d prefer to use we, referring to my classmates, teachers and myself to keep my mind focus in my goal) should encourage our students not just to be dependent in theories presented but to always challenge themselves, to ensure that they will use their creative and logical thinking, not to just agree with the stated data but rather to conduct their own study and ensure that they will learn on the process and outcome.

Since, learning is a rigid process, teachers should also do their best not just for the students to learn but also, for them to appreciate learning and if possible, make it a fun and engaging experience that can holistically develop them to become a productive citizen of the community.


Answers of my Joshua Arsenio Espiritu III, Dennis Bartolome and Fiona Karla Carmona

the learner

I am Angie, a government employee working at the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) under one of the Board of Trustees of the system.

Getting a degree in education is one of my biggest goals and since I know that I cannot reach that through regular schooling, I was blessed to be informed about online study. Open University is suitable to individual like me who would want to pursue formal learning but didn’t have the luxury of time to do so. It is a new window, a new opportunity and a challenge. When I was a kid, I never thought of getting courses that would lead me to teaching or become a teacher, since I thought, patience is one of the impossible things for me. But when I was given the chance, since I took Bachelor in Secondary Education at the Philippine Normal University (PNU), we were explored to students, teachers, teaching and learning. Since then, I learn to appreciate this profession and had a passion on it.

Every stages or phases in our lives have different ups and downs, and I quote “the devil is in the details”. But since I was born in a family belonging to a lower class, surviving itself is a big challenge, so that is my edge in every challenges that I am facing and goals that I set.

I might say that since online study is really new for me, I might have a hard time getting familiar with the habit, attitude and required skills to overcome this new type of learning. But since, I am wholeheartedly into it, I know with the help of patience, perseverance and teachers including my classmates to be, I will overcome this with a smile and contentment.

Learning is the most interesting adventure, it is fun and irritating at times, but I know and I am definite that this is the best adventure that will leave mark to me forever.

Welcome to my world 🙂

“The illiterate of the twenty first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” –Alvin Toffler-